Breadth Areas
The following courses are listed by area and are available to
- Algorithms/Complexity/Programming Languages
- Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Control
- Circuits
- Computer Hardware Engineering
- Device Sciences and Nanofabrication
- Signal Processing and Communications
- Software Systems and Computer Networking
Algorithms /Complexity/Programming Languages
Course | Units | |
10-708 | Probabilistic Graphical Models | 12 |
10-725 | Optimization | 12 |
15-750 | Graduate Algorithms | 12 |
15-751 | CS Theory Toolkit (approved until F25) | 12 |
15-812 | Programming Language Semantics | 12 |
15-814 | Type Systems for Programming Languages | 12 |
15-816 | Advanced Topics in Logic: Linear Logic | 12 |
15-849B | Performance Modeling | 12 |
15-853 | Algorithms in the Real World | 12 |
15-855 | An Intensive Introduction to Computational Complexity Theory | 12 |
15-857 | Performance Modeling | 12 |
18-645 | How to Write Fast Code | 12 |
18-645SV | How to Write Fast Code | 12 |
18-645T | How to Write Fast Code | 12 |
18-647 | Computational Problem Solving for Engineers | 12 |
18-660 | Optimization | 12 |
18-660SV | Numerical Methods for Engineering Design and Optimization | 12 |
18-667 | Algorithms for Large-scale Distributed Machine Learning and Optimization | 12 |
18-687 | Analytical Performance Modeling & Design of Computer Systems | 12 |
18-687SV | Analytical Performance Modeling & Design of Computer Systems | 12 |
18-733 | Applied Cryptography | 12 |
18-733SV | Applied Cryptography | 12 |
18-755 | Networks in the Real World | 12 |
18-779T | Stochastic Optimization | 12 |
21-690 | Methods of Optimization | 12 |
21-801 | Advanced Topics in Discrete Mathematics: Sampling, Counting and Rapidly Mixing Markov Chains | 12 |
24-785 | Engineering Optimization | 12 |
Special Topics Courses |
18799 | Special Topics in Signal Processing | 12 |
Topic titles: |
Nonlinear Optimization |
Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Control
Course | Units | |
06-708 | Advanced Process Dynamics and Control | 12 |
10-403 | Deep Reinforcement Learning & Control (approved until S26) | 12 |
10-701 | Machine Learning | 12 |
10-703 | Deep Reinforcement Learning & Control | 12 |
10-707 | Advanced Deep Learning | 12 |
10-715 | Advanced Introduction to Machine Learning | 12 |
15-780 | Advanced Artificial Intelligence Concepts | 12 |
15-781 | Machine Learning | 12 |
15-849N | Advanced Topics in Computer Systems: Machine Learning Systems (dual-categorization with Software Systems area) | 12 |
15-882 | Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks | 12 |
15-883 | Computational Models of Neural Systems | 12 |
15-889 | AI Planning, Execution, and Learning | 12 |
16-711 | Kinematics, Dynamic Systems and Control | 12 |
16-720 |
Computer Vision | 12 |
16-721 | Learning-Based Methods in Vision | 12 |
16-722 | Sensing and Sensors | 12 |
16-745 | Optimal Control and Reinforcement Learning | 12 |
16-782 | Planning and Decision-Making in Robotics | 12 |
16-785 | Social Robotics | 12 |
16-811 | Mathematical Fundamentals for Robotics | 12 |
16-822 | Geometry-based Methods in Vision | 12 |
16-824 | Visual Learning and Recognition | 12 |
16-825 | Learning for 3D Vision (previously 16889 - 16889 will count toward requirements; approved until F25) | 12 |
16-831 | Statistical Techniques in Robotics | 12 |
16-833 | Robot Localization and Mapping (approved until F27) | 12 |
16-883 | Special Topics: Provably Safe Robotics | 12 |
16-885 | Tactile Sensing and Haptics | 12 |
17-759 | Advanced Topics in Machine Learning and Game Theory | 12 |
18-618 | Smart Grids and Future Electric Energy Systems | 12 |
18-661 | Introduction to Machine Learning for Engineers | 12 |
18-665 | Advanced Probability & Statistics for Engineers | 12 |
18-744 | Autonomous Driving | 12 |
18-771 | Linear Systems | 12 |
18-771PP | Linear Systems | 12 |
18-771SV | Linear Systems | 12 |
18-776 | 12 | |
18-777 | Complex Large-Scale Dynamic Systems | 12 |
18-782PP | Machine Learning | 12 |
18-785 | Data, Inference, and Applied Machine Learning | 12 |
18-786 | Introduction to Deep Learning | 12 |
18-875 | Engineering and Economics of Electric Energy Systems | 12 |
18-813 | Foundations of Reinforcement Learning (Approved until S26) | 12 |
24-673 | Soft Robots: Mechanics, Design and Modeling | 12 |
24-787 | Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Engineers | 12 |
Special Topics Courses |
18799 | Special Topics in Signal Processing | 12 |
Topic titles: | Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Optimization | |
18813 | Special Topics in Artificial Intelligence | 12 |
Topic titles: | Foundations of Reinforcement Learning | |
18879 | Special Topics in Systems and Controls | 12 |
Topic titles: | Computer Control Engineering | |
Optimal Control | ||
Advanced Linear Systems and Control | ||
Adaptive Control and Signal Processing | ||
Logical Analysis of Hybrid Systems | ||
Optimization in Energy Networks | ||
Multi-Agent Systems | ||
Engineering and Economics of Electric Power Systems | ||
Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Control: How Systems Really Work | ||
Electric Power Systems: Modeling, Analysis, and Control | ||
Networked Control Systems | ||
Stochastic Optimization | ||
Nonlinear Systems |
Course | Units | |
18-622 | Advanced Digital Integrated Circuit Design | 12 |
18-623 | Analog Integrated Circuit Design | 12 |
18-664 | ULSI Technology Status and Roadmap for System on Chips and System in Package | 12 |
18-721 | Advanced Analog Integrated Circuits Design | 12 |
18-723 | RF IC Design and Implementation | 12 |
18-725 | Advanced Digital Integrated Circuit Design | 12 |
18-726 | Projects in Integrated Circuit Design: First Silicon | 12 |
18-762 | Circuit Simulation: Theory and Practice | 12 |
18-764 | Technology Foundations and Roadmap for System on Chip and System in Package Products | 12 |
18-769 | Design for Manufacturability in Nanometer Era | 12 |
Special Topics Courses |
18629 | Special Topics in Circuits | 12 |
Topic titles: | Integrated Microsystems | |
IC Design for Wireless Communication Systems | ||
18729 | Special Topics in Circuits | 12 |
Topic titles: | IC Technology: 3D System Integration (with VeSFETs) | |
18819 | Special Topics in Applied Physics | 12 |
Topic titles: | Beyond CMOS Devices and Circuits |
Computer Hardware Engineering
Course | Units | |
15-740 | Computer Architecture | 12 |
15-745 | Optimizing Compilers for Modern Architectures | 12 |
15-843 | Parallel Computing | 12 |
18-625 | ULSI Mobile Platform and Server Product Design | 12 |
18-632 | Introduction to Hardware Security | 12 |
18-643 | Reconfigurable Logic: Technology, Architecture and Applications | 12 |
18-645 | How to write fast code I | 12 |
18-646 | Low-Power System-on-Chip Architecture | 12 |
18-663 | Hardware Architectures for Machine Learning *(offered through Spring 2019) | 12 |
18-667* | Design of Integrated Embedded Systems *(offered through Fall 2015) | 12 |
18-740 | Modern Computer Architecture and Design | 12 |
18-742 | Computer Architecture and Systems | 12 |
18-743 | Energy Aware Computing | 12 |
18-745 | Rapid Prototyping of Computer Systems | 12 |
18-747* | Wireless Device Architecture *(offered through Fall 2019) | 12 |
18-747 | How to Write Low Power Code for the IoT | 12 |
18-760 | VLSI CAD: Logic to Layout | 12 |
18-762 | Circuit Simulation: Theory and Practice | 12 |
18-765 | Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design | 12 |
18-765PP | Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design | 12 |
Special Topics Courses |
Device Science and Nanofabrication
Course | Units | |
18-610 | Fundamentals of Modern CMOS Devices | 12 |
18-614 | Microelectromechanical Systems | 12 |
18-615 | Micro and Nano Systems Fabrication | 12 |
18-616 | Nano-Bio-Photonics | 12 |
18-617 | Memory Devices and Systems | 12 |
18-669 | Special Topics in IST: Micro/Nano Biomedical Devices | 12 |
18-669 | Special Topics in Integrated Systems Technology: Hacker Fab | 12 |
18-712 | Elements of Photonics for Communication Systems | 12 |
18-715 | Physics of Applied Magnetism | 12 |
18-716 | Advanced Applied Magnetism | 12 |
18-817 | Applied Physics: Fundamentals of Semiconductors and Nanostructures | 12 |
24-615 | Microfluidics | 12 |
24-623 | Molecular Simulation of Materials | 12 |
24-628 | Energy Transport and Conversion at the Nanoscale | 12 |
24-751 | Introduction to Solid Mechanics I | 12 |
27-710 | Quantum Mechanics of Materials | 12 |
27-742 | Processing and Properties of Thin Films | 12 |
27-770 | Electronic, Magnetic and Optical Properties | 12 |
33-755 | Quantum Mechanics I | 12 |
33-759 | Introduction to Mathematical Physics I | 12 |
33-761 | Classical Electrodynamics I | 12 |
33-783 | Theory of Solids I | 12 |
Special Topics Courses |
18669 | Special Topics in Integrated Systems Technology | 12 |
Topic titles: | Applications Micro/Nano Biomedical Devices | |
Hacker Fab (Approved until F27) | ||
18819 | Special Topics in Applied Physics | 12 |
Topic titles: | Applications of Lithographically | |
Introduction to Solar Arrays: Modeling, Analysis, and Design | ||
Introduction to Quantum Computing (approved until S26) | ||
Memory Devices and Technology | ||
Micro and Nano Systems Fabrication | ||
Neural Technology, Sensing, and Stimulation | ||
Waves and Applications | ||
Physical Sensors, Transducers and Instrumentation | ||
Antennas for Wireless Communications | ||
Ultrasonic Devices and Applications | ||
Beyond CMOS Devices and Circuits | ||
Introduction to Quantum Computing |
Signal Processing and Communications
Course | Units | ||
15-862 | Computational Photography | 12 | |
16-725 |
Medical Image Analysis
12 | |
42-630 |
Introduction to Neural Engineering (Approved until S26)
12 | |
18-639 | Policies of the Internet | 12 | |
18-650 | Policies of Wireless Systems | 12 | |
18-690 | Introduction to Neuroscience for Engineers | 12 | |
18-691 | Digital Signal Processing | 12 | |
18-697 | Statistical Discovery and Learning | 12 | |
18-697SV | Statistical Discovery and Learning | 12 | |
18-698 | Neural Signal Processing | 12 | |
18-741 | Computer Networks | 12 | |
18-751 | Applied Stochastic Processes | 12 | |
18-751SV | Applied Stochastic Processes | 12 | |
18-752 | Estimation, Detection and Learning | 12 | |
18-752PP | Estimation, Detection and Learning | 12 | |
18-753 | Information Theory and Coding | 12 | |
18-754 | Error Control Coding | 12 | |
18-758 | Wireless Communications | 12 | |
18-759 | Wireless Networks | 12 | |
18-759PP | Wireless Networks | 12 | |
18-781 | Speech Recognition and Understanding | 12 | |
18-781SV | Speech Recognition and Understanding | 12 | |
18-790 | Wavelets and Multiresolution Techniques | 12 | |
18-791 | Methods in Medical Imaging Analysis | 12 | |
18-792 | Advanced Digital Signal Processing | 12 | |
18-793 | Image and Video Processing | 12 | |
18-794 | Introduction to Deep Learning and Pattern Recognition for Computer Vision | 12 | |
18-795 | Bioimage Informatics | 12 | |
18-796PP | Multimedia Communications: Coding, Systems, and Networking | 12 | |
18-797 | Machine Learning for Signal Processing | 12 | |
18-798 | Image, Video, and Multimedia | 12 | |
18-798PP | Image, Video, and Multimedia | 12 | |
Special Topics Courses |
18799 | Special Topics in Signal Processing | 12 | |
Topic titles: | Advanced Speech Lab | ||
Design Implementation of Speech Recognition Systems | |||
Biometric Recognition | |||
Algebraic Signal Processing Theory | |||
Network Science: Modeling and Inference | |||
Compressive Sensing and Sparse Optimization | |||
Cognitive Video | |||
Advanced Machine Learning | |||
Large Scale Stochastic Adaptive Systems | |||
18858 | Special Topics in Communications | 6 | |
Topic titles: | Telecommunications Policy in Developing Countries | ||
18859 | Special Topics in Communications | 12 | |
Topic titles: | Communication and Networking | ||
Network Management and Control | |||
Stochastic Geometry for Communication Networks | |||
Emerging Topics in Wireless Networks | |||
Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems: DARPA Spectrum Grand Challenge Edition (offered through Fall 2020) | |||
Network Economics and Resource Allocation | |||
18882 | Special Topics in Energy Systems | 12 | |
Topic titles: | Power Electronics | ||
Microgrids and New Generation Power Systems | |||
18883 | Special Topics in Energy Systems | 6 | |
Topic titles: | Photovoltaic Systems Engineering | ||
18898 | Special Topics in Signal Processing | 12 | |
Topic titles: | Intro to Data-Science with Applications to Clinical Neural Data | ||
Graph Signal Processing and Learning | |||
18899 | Special Topics in Signal Processing | 6 | |
Topic titles: | Applied Time Series Analysis | ||
Data and Inference (DI) | |||
Applied Machine Learning (AML) | |||
Data Science and Risk Management Applications |
Software Systems and Computer Networking
Course | Units | |
10-714 | Deep Learning System (Approved until F25) | 12 |
15-618 | Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming (Approved until F25) | 12 |
15-712 | Advanced Operating Systems and Distributed Systems | 12 |
15-721 | Database System Design and Implementation | 12 |
15-744 | Computer Networks | 12 |
15-829 | Modeling and Performance Tools for Computer (Approved until S26) | 12 |
15-839 | Mobile and Wireless Communications | 12 |
15-849N | Advanced Topics in Computer Systems: Machine Learning Systems (dual-categorization with Artificial Intelligence area) | |
17-755 | Architectures for Software Systems | 12 |
18-630 | Introduction to Security and Policy | 12 |
18-631 | Introduction to Information Security | 12 |
18-635 | Web Application Security and Performance | 12 |
18-636 | Browser Security | 12 |
18-637 | Wireless Network Security | 12 |
18-638 | Mobile Security | 12 |
18-641 | Java for Smart Phone Development | 12 |
18-642 | Introduction to Software Engineering | 12 |
18-644 | Mobile Hardware for Software Engineers | 12 |
18-646 | How to write fast code II | 12 |
18-647 | Computational Problem Solving for Engineers (previously 18847G) | 12 |
18-647 | Connected Embedded Systems Architecture (offered through Spring 2019) | 12 |
18-648 | Real-Time Embedded Systems | 12 |
18-649 | Distributed Embedded Systems | 12 |
18-651 | Networked Cyber-Physical Systems | 12 |
18-652 | Foundations of Software Engineering | 12 |
18-653 | Software Architecture and Design | 12 |
18-654SV | Software Verification, Validation and Testing | 12 |
18-655* | 12 | |
18-656SV | Data Intensive Workflow Development for Software Engineers | 12 |
18-657SV | Decision Analysis and Engineering Economics for Software Engineers | 12 |
18-658SV | Software Requirements and Interaction Design | 12 |
18-659SV | Software Engineering Methods | 12 |
18-709 | Advanced Cloud Computing | 12 |
18-713PP | Optical Networks | 12 |
18-730 | Introduction to Computer Security | 12 |
18-731 | Network Security | 12 |
18-732 | Secure Software Systems | 12 |
18-734 | Foundations of Privacy | 12 |
18-741 |
Computer Networks |
12 |
18-744 |
Autonomous Driving |
12 |
18-746 | Storage Systems | 12 |
18-747 | How to Write Low Power Code for the IoT | 12 |
18-748 | Wireless Sensor Networks | 12 |
18-749 | Building Reliable Distributed Systems | 12 |
18750 | Wireless Networking and Applications | 12 |
18-756 | Packet Switching and Computer Networks | 12 |
18-757 | Network Management and Control | 12 |
18-759 | Wireless Networks | 12 |
18-842 | Distributed Systems | 12 |
18-843 | Mobile and Pervasive Computing | 12 |
18-845 | Internet Services | 12 |
*This course is dormant. |
Special Topics Courses |
15829 | Special Topics in Software Systems | 12 |
Topic titles: | Programmable Networks | |
18739 | Special Topics in Security | 12 |
Topic titles: | Foundations of Security and Privacy | |
Vulnerability, Defenses, and Malware Analysis | ||
Network Security and Management | ||
Formal Foundations of Software Security | ||
Security and Fairness of Deep Learning | ||
18847 | Special Topics in Computer Systems | 12 |
Topic titles: | Foundations of Cloud and Machine Learning Infrastructure | |
Computing for Engineers | ||
Wireless Software System Architecture | ||
18848 | Special Topics in Embedded Systems | 12 |
Topic titles: | Networked Cyber-Physical Systems | |
Sports Technology | ||
18859 | Special Topics in Communications | 12 |
Topic titles: | Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems: DARPA Spectrum Grand Challenge Edition (offered through Fall 2020) | |
Software-Defined Networking and Network Functions Virtualization | ||
Distributed Systems and Networking |
Graduate courses in other departments at Carnegie Mellon may be counted for the "Other" area by petition to the GSC.