
E-textile Based Imaging Array: Phase Four


This web page describes the work done on the fourth phase of the project and the results obtained. We have successfully implemented the fixed routing algorithm for the sending of sensor data. The node in the center of the array, Node 13, has been designated as the single collection point of all the sensor data and to form the image. We have also collected some preliminary power statistics.

Work Done

The Fixed Routing Algorithm
Figure 1 shows how the fixed routing algorithm works. Node 13 is designated to be the node to form the sensor image. The array will be divided into four quadrants. Nodes in the quadrants will send packets to the two axes, which separate the quadrants. The nodes on axes will then relay the packets to the center node in the array. The fixed routing algorithm was successfully implemented.

Figure 1
The Fixed routing algorithm

Tuning of system parameters

After the entire imaging algorithm is completed, we attempt to tune the system for performance. The following parameters are optimized:

Network segment frame size
The network segment frame size determines the largest size of a data frame that can be sent across a segment at any one point. However, if the data packet is smaller than the network segment frame size, the processor will still read in this maximum frame size worth of data, resulting in unnecessary delays and wasting processing power. By adjusting the simulator configuration, we reduced this frame size to 64 bytes from the previous 128.

Application data packet size
The network segment frame size represents the physical layer constraints. On the application layer, we reduced the application data packet size to fit into the maximum frame size. We convert some of the integers into unsigned characters, downsizing from 4 bytes to 1 byte each. The impact of such a downsizing meant that there should not be more than 256 nodes in a single array (an unsigned character is used to represent node IDs). We do not foresee an e-textile array to be greater than 256 nodes, due to latency issues. To have more than 256 nodes, it is probably necessary to have subnets of smaller arrays connected by high-speed links.

Interval between ID Map formation and sending of sensor data
Since we use two separate algorithms to form the ID map and to send sensor data, it will be good to separate these two phases by a time interval. During this interval, nodes that have completed ID map formation will not send out sensor data but continue passing neighbor-ID information. This will allow nodes that are still forming the ID map to have the maximum bandwidth.

From the time taken to form the ID map (Figure 2), we determined that a time interval of 0.7 sec should be sufficient.

Transmit buffer on each node
The employment of the fixed routing algorithm means that the nodes surrounding the collection node (on the two axes) will to route a large volume of data. The transmit buffers on these nodes have to be increased to accommodate this higher data volume.

Sensor data rate
We attempt to determine a suitable sensor data rate that could be used for the imaging array. We are looking at a value of around 10Hz. Too high a data rate would “choke up” the network and prevent the image from forming up properly. On the other hand, too low a data rate would not produce a useful image since it will not be updated frequently enough.

However, we encounter a “Segmentation fault” error when the simulation runs for some time. Although we are able to see the image being formed, we have problem with the printout such that it is difficult to validate the image.

Results and Statistics

The results are shown in the Figures 2 to 5.

Figure 2 shows the time taken for each node to form the ID map. We can observe that the nodes at the corners typically take the longest time to form the ID map, whereas the center nodes takes the shortest time.

Figure 3 to 5 show the power consumption charts, i.e. the energy the CPU uses, the battery drainage and the maximum current. These are preliminary power statistics.

Figure 2
Time taken to form ID map

Figure 3
Total CPU Energy for Node 13

Figure 4
Max current for Node 13

Figure 5
Battery energy remaining for Node 13

Next phase

In the final phase, we will continue to tune the parameters if we manage to get the simulator to run properly. Following that, we will obtain power statistics to compare different routing schemes. We will compare the Ring algorithm against the flooding algorithm in the ID map formation step. We will also compare the Fixed routing algorithm against the flooding algorithm in the sending of sensor data step.

If time permits, we will also look at fault tolerance. For example, we could disable one node and see how the image will form. Currently, a node will not start sending sensor data until it has form the ID map completely. We can change this criterion such that it can start sending data even when its ID map has not formed completely, due to faulty nodes.


In conclusion, we have successfully implemented the fixed routing algorithm for the sending of sensor data. We have tried to tune some of the system parameters to make the image array runs better. We also tried to determine a suitable sensor data rate. However, we have not been able to conclude on a data rate due to some problem we had with the simulator. We have also collected some preliminary power statistics.


[1] “A Survey of Technologies for Smart Fabrics(Computational Textiles), DRAFT, Summer 2001”, Phillip Stanley-Marbell

[2] “Project proposal, E-Textile-based Ultra-sound Imaging Array”, Seng Teck, Sing & Chee Wan, Teng

[3] “Project Report Phase 1, E-Textile-based Ultra-sound Imaging Array”, Seng Teck, Sing & Chee Wan, Teng

[4] “Project Report Phase 2, E-Textile-based Ultra-sound Imaging Array”, Seng Teck, Sing & Chee Wan, Teng

[5] “Project Report Phase 3, E-Textile-based Ultra-sound Imaging Array”

[6] “Myrmigki Simulator Manual, Release 0.1.ece743”, Philip Stanley-Marbell.