Tony's Minutes

  • Concrete metrics for congestion detection
    • count deflections at each node
    • node cannot inject: starvation
      • 4 inputs: no more than 3 = fine, below saturation
      • whenever router detects >3, sends signal
      • know sources at router
        • simple solution: send message to every source (maybe only if it needs to inject)
        • only routers that need to inject complain
    • possibly detect how many nodes are sending back reduction messages to determine how much to reduce injection
    • back channel that signals router ID to reduce injection
      • determine ID:
        1. look at any/all flit(s)
        2. determine rates coming from different sources
      • evaluate both to see if any benefit to added overhead needed for logic in b)

  • looking for simple basline algorithm
  • can we prove something about system/algorithms based on evaluations? (prevents starvation in some timeline, etc)

  • without congestion control, no way to provide latency guarantees
    • therefore latency guarantees are a product of good/fair injection control
    • add MTTS counters to help prioritize/help latency guarantee
  • Feedback mechanism
    • simple case is backchannel

  • Processor Simulator Requirements
    • application traces
    • local cache
    • inst window
    • Operation:
      1. read from trace file: mem vs non-mem
      2. local vs nonlocal cache
      3. insert into network
      4. receive request back
    • model interconnection network as a distributed cache
    • assume everything hits within cache - a miss goes out to mem controller, not part of interconn network

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