
This shows you the differences between two versions of the page.

qos_bufferless:3_25_2009 [2009/04/11 00:04]
acartola Created, Tony added minutes
qos_bufferless:3_25_2009 [2010/08/17 18:27] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-=== Tony's Minutes ===\\+=== Tony's Minutes === 
  * Concrete metrics for congestion detection   * Concrete metrics for congestion detection
    * count deflections at each node     * count deflections at each node
Line 35: Line 36:
    * model interconnection network as a distributed cache     * model interconnection network as a distributed cache
    * assume everything hits within cache - a miss goes out to mem controller, not part of interconn network     * assume everything hits within cache - a miss goes out to mem controller, not part of interconn network
 +[[qos_bufferless|Back to Project Page]]

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