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Competitive Analysis

Twine - Web App
Spotter - Mobile App, WiFi based Multi-sensor

Twine: temp, vibration, orientation
Spotter: temp, humidity, light, accelerometer, infrared.
Both based on if-then rules created by users

Twine is the most obvious competitor to our project. Like our project, it features a sensor node and allows the user to set up alerts under certain conditions, based on vibration, temperature, or other factors. These alerts are set up using a series of if-then rules. Twine communicates using WiFi.

Spotter Uniq is another competitor similar to Twine. It consists of a sensor device which detects light, sound, acceleration, temperature, and humidity. The user interfaces with the system through a mobile app. Like Twine, the user must use if-then rules in which they specify what to do when specific sensors are activated, and communicates using WiFi. Like our project, Spotter Uniq attaches easily to appliances.

What sets our project apart is that the user does not need to use a series of if-then rules to determine if the state of the machine changes. This makes it easier to use to monitor the state of appliances or devices for which the factors determining the state of the appliances or devices may not be obvious. Additionally, our sensor will be more power-efficient because it has a solar panel to help remove some of the load from the battery, will turn off sensors that aren’t needed, and will communicate with 802.15.4 instead of the more power-hungry WiFi protocol.