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-<font size=5 color=firebrick><​b>​Under Renovation</​b></​font>​ 
 As FPGAs are changing in terms of their incorporation into the computing landscape, so have our views of the CoRAM architecture and abstraction. Recently we have added [[https://​​~jhoe/​distribution/​2015/​fpl2015.pdf|CoRAM++]] to support data-structure-specific memory interfaces for FPGA computing and are actively working towards incorporating shared-memory processor-FPGA systems into the CoRAM abstraction. A new website is under construction to showcase our recent and ongoing CoRAM efforts. In the mean time, this site is still active for those who would like to explore our CoRAM "​Classic"​ reconfigurable computing abstraction. As FPGAs are changing in terms of their incorporation into the computing landscape, so have our views of the CoRAM architecture and abstraction. Recently we have added [[https://​​~jhoe/​distribution/​2015/​fpl2015.pdf|CoRAM++]] to support data-structure-specific memory interfaces for FPGA computing and are actively working towards incorporating shared-memory processor-FPGA systems into the CoRAM abstraction. A new website is under construction to showcase our recent and ongoing CoRAM efforts. In the mean time, this site is still active for those who would like to explore our CoRAM "​Classic"​ reconfigurable computing abstraction.
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home.txt ยท Last modified: 2017/02/22 00:36 by zzhao1
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