Latest Updates

April 30, 2012
We finished the final system integration, and the ARDrone flies well with the glove controller! We are preparing for the public demo tomorrow. Hope to see you there!
February 12, 2012
We started preparing for the in class presentation on February 15, 2012; and finished updating the website.
February 12, 2012
We started to assemble the parts list for the quadrotor, as well as constructing the glove and IMU.

About Our Team

  • Mita Yun

    Mita worked on the design and fabrication of the customly designed IMU. She also worked on Extended Kalman Filter to fuse the accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer data.
  • Jack Chee

    Jack worked on the Wifly, ARDrone interface, and overall integration of the system.
  • Arlene Tang

    Arlene worked on the system power management, Wifly chip hardware, final packaging, and testing.
  • Kris Brakke

    Kris worked on the WiFly, power management, packaging, and testing of the overall system.