Basic Tasks

  1. Track users from room to room
    • Only track people; don’t be fooled by pets etc.
    • Allow privacy modes that pretend a person is invisible
  2. Track user within room
    • Detect user’s proximity to areas of interest within room
  3. Remember users’ settings
    • Automatically remember device settings such as sound volume, preferred temperature
    • Learn to associate settings with extra parameters such as time of day, current weather, volume of email (amount of work)
    • User Tracking
      • Infrared sensors for motion detection between rooms
      • Bluetooth to determine position within a room
      • RFID for identification and authentication
      • Voice recognition for authentication
      • Floor sensors to detect presence of actual person
    • Home Automation
      • Bluetooth to transmit data and control signals
      • X10 to control some home appliances
      • Voice recognition for simple commands
    • Custom Systems
      • Gumstix as prototype control unit
      • Software to coordinate location tracking and home automation systems


The gumstix motherboard is responsible for monitoring one doorway. Each sensor and each appliance is controlled by a single gumstix board. The gumstix boards coordinate with each other to maintain the entire house.

Optionally, other control nodes such as a Bluetooth-enabled computer or cell phone can be added. These would provide more accessible user interfaces to directly control user preferences and settings.

System States