MEMS Chemistry Lab


The MEMS Chemistry Lab is located on the 1st floor of Hamerschlag Hall, occupying rooms 1214 and 1216. This lab is acessible to students working in MEMS, semiconductor and materials science related research. Users include members of the MEMS Lab which manages this shared infrastructure as well as students from Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, as well as students fro the University of Pittsburgh, and local companies in Pittsburgh. This web page has procedures for getting access, standard operating procedures and safety links.

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Recharge rates effective 9/01/06 are as follows:
$ monthly Access Fee
$ for the following special equipment

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Usage Policy

The Chemistry lab was designed to be a safe, clean, easily-maintained research environment accessible to individuals with the appropriate training. Keep this in mind when you are using it.
  1. Access to the chemistry lab is limited to Monday-Friday, 8AM - 8PM. (accessible with access code). For safety reasons, new users may not work alone in the lab at any time. There must be at least two people inside when working off hours (other than 8AM - 8PM), most likely a senior member of their own research group. To gain access at any other times, contact Larry Schultz at or x8-3788.
  2. Members learn from each other and, in turn, teach others. Motto: "Each one teach one."
  3. For questions/advice/help: e-mail or
  4. Information available on the Internet at:
  5. Everyone qualifies separately to use any piece of equipment needed. This lab document qualifies you only to enter the lab.
  6. The Chemlab requires from each member a donation of one day of help lab cleaning during the Clean Fest in September. This helps to raise consciousness and maintain awareness of your responsibilities to the facility and to other members.
  7. Chemlab status updates: by monthly e-mail report. Five lab members may request a members meeting at any time (e-mail
  8. Visitors: Only by permission from Larry Schultz, Tamal or Gary, must be escorted.
  9. Results: Please submit to Dan Marks ( preprints, reprints, data, etc., for MEMSLab Bulletin Board.
  10. Credits: In publications and talks identify devices as fabricated in the CMU MEMS Chemistry Lab.

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    Name Office Extension Email
    Larry Schultz      

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    Qualified Users List

    Name Office Extension Email
    Ashutosh Feenstra/Phsyics   ashutosh@andrew
    Fernando Alfaro      
    Michael Bartkovsky Przybycien/ChemE   mbartkov@andrew
    Sarah Bedair      
    Dan Bock Physics   dbock@andrew
    Bambi Brewer Matsuoka/RI   bambi@andrew
    Dan Ewing Porter/MSE
    Qiang Li Skrownski/MSE   qiangl@andrew
    George Lopez      
    Feroz Mohammad MSE   aferoz@andrew
    Alan Rosenbloom     alan2@andrew
    Alik Widge     alik@cs
    Xiauchun Wu     xiaochun@andrew
    Bohzi Yang Lin/ME   bohzi@andrew
    Lifu Zhou     lifu@andrew
    Charles Buenzli Benchmark Photonics
    Brett Diamond Akustica    
    Kristie Henchir U. Pittsburgh
    Kyle Leboiutz Xactix
    Matte Zeleznik Akustica    

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    Standard Operating Procedures

    The chemistry lab was designed to be a safe, clean, easily-maintained research environment accessible to individuals with the appropriate training. Keep this in mind when you are using it. Access to the chemistry lab is limited to M-F 8am-8pm. To gain access for any other times, please contact Larry Schultz.
    1. Follow the togging in/out procedure for entering and leaving the chem. lab.
    2. Be aware of others in the lab. Let others in the lab know when you enter so you don't surprise them later. In general, COMMUNICATE!
    3. Lab coats must be worn at all times, except for equipment maintenance. This is to keep the lab clean and protect you from accidental chemical splashes.
    4. Use the buddy system when necessary: a. if you are a relatively new and inexperienced user b. if you are working after hours with potentially dangerous equipment, etc.
    5. If you observe equipment malfunction or a hazardous condition in the lab please report it to appropriate personnel for that equipment. Each equipment has a superuser assigned to it.
    6. After using any of the equipment or using the wet benches for chemistry, make sure you clean up the area and leave it in its original condition. If the previous user left the area unkept, please email the superuser for that specific equipment.
    7. Users are to enter the lab only through the togging room door. Do not enter through the utility access door, the doors are alarmed.
    8. The supplies in the lab are not for general use outside of the lab.
    9. Dispose of all trash in its respective place (broken glass in the glass waste container). If trash cans are full, please put them outside in the hallway.
    10. Keep all doors closed while working in the lab.
    11. No food or drinks are allowed in the lab.

    Specific Guidelines for Wet Chemistry Users

    1. Store all chemicals in the acid/solvent cabinet, not on the lab benches.
    2. Gloves must be worn at all times.
    3. No shorts or open-toed shoes.
    4. Wear appropriate head-gear when necessary.
    5. All bottles/beakers/jugs containing any form of waste, acid, or solvent must be labeled. Labeling equipment is located in HH1212.
    6. In order to keep chemicals in stock, it is the responsibility of the person who finishes a bottle to replace it from the cleanroom stock and to notify George Lopez ( via email of what has been used. YOU MUST email so that proper inventory can be kept.

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    Application Notes

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    Useful Links

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