CMU MEMS Laboratory Publication Abstract


in Technical Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems (MSM), pp. 186-189, April 22-25, 2002, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Simulation of Manufacturing Variations in a z-axis CMOS-MEMS Gyroscope
S. V. Iyer and T. Mukherjee
This paper uses MEMS circuit-level simulation to correlate gyro performance measures such as zero rate output (ZRO), linear acceleration sensitivity (Sa) and cross-axis sensitivity (Sca) to geometrical asymmetries. Elastic and electrostatic asymmetries in the gyroscope may arise due to device-level manufacturing variations in beam width, comb gap and metal mask misalignment in the CMOS-MEMS process. Analytical equations for the non-idealities are derived and compared with the simulation results. The analyses and simulations are used to develop pointers for robust design as well as manufacturing tolerances for limiting non-idealities.
© 2002 Computational Publications. Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source. Other copying, reprint or repoduction requests should be addressed to: Copyrights Manager, Computational Publications, Copyright Office, 899 Rue Jean de Gingins, 01220 Divonne les Bains, France. Computational Publications is a subsuduary of the Applied Computational Researh Society, a non-profit organization
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