CMU MEMS Laboratory Publication Abstract


in Proceedings of the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), pp. 2 pages, February 9-13, 2003, San Francisco, California.
Integrated Multiple-Device IMU Systems with Continuous-Time Sensing Circuitry
H. Luo, G. Fedder and R. Carley
Post CMOS-MEMS processes [1] have advantages of multi-layer routing in mechanical structures and the potential to integrate inertial measurement units (IMUs) with supporting circuitry in a conventional CMOS process. Multiple IMUs are integrated into a single chip to improve the system performance and significantly decrease the cost. In contrast to previous work [2], this system integrates two lateral accelerometers and a vertical gyroscope with all signal processing circuits. A direct-coupled continuous-time sensing buffer for MEMS capacitive sensing has a –3dB frequency corner lower than 10Hz. The integration of multiple sensors makes cross-device compensation possible.
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Full paper (PDF) (opens in new window).

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