CMU MEMS Laboratory Publication Abstract


in Technical Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems Semiconductors, Sensors and Actuators (MSM), pp. 292-295, February 24-26, 2003, San Francisco, California.
Design and Fabrication of An Integrated CMOS-MEMS 3-Axis Accelerometer
H. Xie, G. Fedder, Y. Pan and W. Frey
This paper reports a novel single structure, three-axis sensing accelerometer based on post-CMOS process. The resultant device incorporates both thin-film structures and bulk Si structures to achieve three-axis acceleration sensing without extra front-side lithography, or wafer bonding, which are required by other CMOS three-axis accelerometers. Behavioral simulation using NODAS and FEM simulation were used to validate the design. The overall structure size is about 1mm by 1mm. Noise floor of 0.1 mG/rtHz is expected in all three axes. Characterization is ongoing.
© 2003 Computational Publications. Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source. Other copying, reprint or repoduction requests should be addressed to: Copyrights Manager, Computational Publications, Copyright Office, 899 Rue Jean de Gingins, 01220 Divonne les Bains, France. Computational Publications is a subsuduary of the Applied Computational Researh Society, a non-profit organization
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