Simulation and Analysis

  1. You must have already created a schematic before you can simulate.
  2. In the schematic window click on Tools => Artist . This will bring up the Analog Artist Simulation window.
  3. First we must select the node(s) to be plotted. In the Analog Artist Simulation Window click Outputs => To Be Plotted => Select On Schematic. Then in the schematic window click on the  wire you want to observe.
  4. The wire will become high-lighted once you click on it (in this case yellow).

  5. Next we have to specify the type of analysis. This example shows how to set up the AC analysis. In the Analog Artist Simulation window, click on Analysis => Choose. This will bring up the Choose Analysis window.
  6. Select ac and enter frequency range as above. Then click OK .

  7. Finally in the Analog Artist Simulation window, click Simulation => Run. Once Cadence finishes calculating a waveform window will appear.

For more imformation see Openbook.


Revised 03/09/00 by