Layout Edit

The instructions below assume you have set up and started Cadence properly.

Part I. Create a new library
Part II. Create a new layout cell view
Part III. Placing a rectangle to a layout editing window
Part IV. Some basic skills in manipulating the layouts

Part I. Create a new library:

  1. You will need a Cadence HP design library. Please refer to Cadence start up on how to create a new library.

Part II. Create a new layout cell view:

  1. From the Library Manager window chose File => New => Cell View
  2. Note: the area circled by red indicate user input.

  3. Enter a name for the the new cell in the Cell Name field and enter its type of view - layout  in the Cell View. Click Ok. Two windows will appear. One is the LSW (Layer Selection Window). The other is the Virtuoso Editing window (main window for editing your layout).


lsw.gif (7937 bytes)


Part III. Drawing a METAL3 rectangle in a layout editing window

  1. Click on the metal3 icon in the LSW window.
    lsw_poly1.gif (778 bytes)
    On the top of LSW, you can see that the current working layer is set to METAL3.
    lsw_top.gif (2480 bytes)
  2. Click on the rectangle icon on the left hand side of the layout editing window

  4. Now you are in rectangle drawing mode. Click the left mouse button once in the place you want to start your rectangle. Click again in the place you want to extend the rectangle to.
  5. Rectangles form the basic unit of layout. You can select other layers in LSW and draw different rectangles with these layers the same way you did with METAL3.

Part IV. Some basics in manipulating designs

  1. Move a rectangle around
  2. - Highlight the symbol you want to move by left clicking it once. Now you can you move the rectangle around by left clicking and holding the mouse button. Move the rectangle to a new location and release the mouse button.

  3. Stretch a rectangle
  4. Remove a misplaced rectangle
  5. - select the rectangle by left clicking on it, the rectangle will become highlighted. Press the delete key from the keyboard

    Note: press the Esc key to escape delete mode when you are done. To undo deleting, click Edit =>Undo in the schematic window.

  6. Zoom in or zoom out layout view
  7. Don't forget to save once in a while! Just click the save icon.

Updated April 10, 2000 by Kai He at