Start up Cadence for the First Time

Part I. Set up environment variables and path:

  1. Make sure you add the following lines to your .cshrc file:
  2. source /afs/ece/usr/mems/.cshrc

  3. Create a top-level working directory where all your AMS related designs will be stored, type
  4. mkdir /afs/ece/usr/YourUserID/ams_cds

  5. Change directory to this working directory you have just created by typing

cd /afs/ece/usr/YourUserID/ams_cds

Part II. Start Cadence:

  1. To start Cadence, type
  2. ams_cds &

    * Note for advanced users: when you run ams_cds for the first time, it will create or overwrite the following files in the running directory:

    .cdsinit  - Cadence startup file
    .cdsenv  - contains environment settings
    cds.lib - library directories. Contains library names and their corresponding path.
    cdsinfo.tag - Cadence directory setting for current direcotry and its sub-directories

    if you have editted one of these files, your customized lines will be lost.

  3. The CIW (Cadence Interpreter Window) will popup
  4. The Library Manager Window will also popup

Part III. Create a new library:

  1. In Library Manager window, click File => New => Library
  2. This is the New Library window.

  3. In New Library window, fill in the name of your new library (in this example, the new library name is test). Then click Ok at the bottom of the window. Cadence will then ask for the technology info associated with this design library.
  4. Make sure "Attach to an existing techfile" is selected. Click Ok

  5. A new window opens up asking you to specify the technology file.

Select "TECH_CUP" as Technology Library, and click Ok .

Congratulations! Now you have initialized Cadence and created a new library with the MUMPS technology file. Your next step is to learn about schematic editing. Then you may also want to try out Tutorial 1 or Tutorial 2 before you start to create you own design!

Part III How to Start Openbook

Updated March 8, 2000 by Kai He at