####################################################################### # Instructions for installing Autolab's grading image in VirtualBox. # # # # Author: Amod Jaltade (avjaltad@andrew.cmu.edu) # # # # Date: Fri, 25 April 2014 12:21:47 EDT ####################################################################### !!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!! This image has been tested with VirtualBox version 4.3.8 only!! ------------------------------------------------------------- Steps to get the Autolab image working with VirtualBox. ------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Download the VDI image tarball from here: http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~ganger/746.spring14/projects/proj2_fuse/rhel-image.tar.bz2 2. Untar the image: tar -xvjf rhel-image.tar.bz2 This should give a file named "rhel-image.vdi" 3. Fire up VirtualBox and create a new Virtual Machine. Machine specifications: Type: Linux Version: RedHat (64 bit) Memory Size: 512 MB [Can give more but Autolab uses 512 MB] Hard drive: [Choose the rhel-image.vdi obtained from step (2)] DO NOT START THE VM, YET! 4. Go into the "Settings" for this Virtual Machine: 4.1 Click on: "Storage" -> "Controller SATA" 4.2 Then Click on the 2nd icon that appears (HDD icon) 4.3 "Choose an exisiting disk" and select the SSD image provided with the earlier Ubuntu VM. 5. You can start the VM now. Log into the new VM: ------------------------------------------------------------- This VM is *exactly* identical to the one used by the Autolab grader. Therefore, there is no GUI. Login credentials: user: guest password: guest ################################################ # !!!! DANGER !!!! # # Do not delete the libs3.a file from ~/utils. # ################################################ Instructions to run your code: ------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Get your source code into the VM (A way to do this is described at the end of this document). 2. Go into the "dedup-lib" folder and do: make clean make cp libdedup.a ../lib/ 3. Copy the 64-bit version of libs3.a to lib/ folder: (from the src/ directory of the source code) cp ~/utils/libs3.a ./lib/ 4. Compile the CloudFS code again: (from the src/ directory): make clean make 5. Use the test scripts to run your code. !!! Useful tip: !!! You might want to use the "format_disk.sh" script before running your code. How to get your code inside the VM: ---------------------------------------------------------------- You can use the "shared folder" feature of VirtualBox. This assumes that the source code is present on your host (physical) machine. 1. From the VirtualBox homepage, select your VM and: "Settings" -> "Shared Folders" 2. Add the DIRECTORY which contains your source code here. For "folder name", any name can be given, but just remember this name. --- --- 3. After you startup and log into the VM, run the mount_share.sh script (present in ~/utils). ./mount_share.sh e.g, ./mount_share.sh 746-cloudfs ~/cloudfs Note: In the above example, "~/cloudfs" must already be present as a directory. 4. Your code will now be available at the mountpoint.