Joshua Dunfield This paper represents yet another arrangement of a distributed file system: one with no centralized servers. Rather than try to improve server performance (as in the NFS ``appliance'') or change the nature of the server (e.g., NASDs), everything is left to the clients. Salient aspects of the approach include: - responsibility for files is allocated among the clients; - data can ``live'' on any machine, leading to strategies to increase locality (``First Writer'': the first host to write a file stores that file); - LFS is used, requiring distributed cleaning. Clearly, the network should be very fast to make this work well. A high degree of trust is also important, since a compromised host can (at least) read and write anyone's data that happens to be stored on that host's local disks. One can have server-like physical security and administrator oversight over a ``core'' of machines, but then only the core's resources can be exploited for the filesystem. One deficiency (acknowledged in the paper) is that the same questions about the practicality of cleaning arise as for Rosenblum/Ousterhout's LFS.