Team2 - Acceptance Tests


Test Number 1 : Sales Baseline





Use Cases

Place Sales Order, View Sales Order

Test Description

Tests an administrator placing a sales order and assigning it to a salesman, and a salesman viewing sales orders he has been assigned to.

Test Distribution[1].0.tgz

Test Sequence

1.     Start JBoss and MySQL (refer to Config.txt)

2.     Test Number 1 has been run for the desired item (orders cannot be placed for items not in the inventory or items with an insufficient quantity)

3.     Run the clients on a separate machine

4.     Start the first use case by typing ¡®ant¡¯

5.     When prompted, enter Order #, Item Name, Date, Quantity, Price, AssignTo

6.     Server should print the following:¡±Assigning order __ to __ with quantity ___¡±

7.     Start the next use case by typing ¡®ant¡¯

8.     when prompted, enter employee ID

9.     Server should print the following:item name, order id, quantity, date of all orders assigned to that employee

10.  when prompted, enter Order ID to view detail

11.  Server should print the following: item name, date, quantity sold, price, assignedTo

Configuration/Deployment Issues

Clients and Server have worked on the same machine and on different machines

Known Problems

Fails if any name longer than __ characters is sent to the server (limited by MySQL)

We're not currently checking format of date strings – any input for date will be accepted