

Sales Order

         Server unavailable

         Database error due to invalid input data (price, quantity, etc.)

         Invalid data type(sales order id and item id should be numeric)

         Item is not available then user can not create a sales order

Purchase Order

         Server unavailable

         Database error due to invalid input data (price, quantity, etc.)

         Invalid data type( purchase order id and item id should be numeric )


         Server unavailable

         Database error due to invalid input data (price, quantity, etc.)

         Invalid data type(item id should be numeric and item name character type)


         Server unavailable

         Database error due to invalid input field (email, etc.)

         Invalid data type(login, first name and last name should be character)

         Attempt to add an existing user

         Attempt to add a user with invalid data type (i.e. username or password should be a character type)