Comparing Web Server Architectures: Events vs Threads Omkar Gawde and Sameera Padhye ABSTRACT This paper tries to answer the age-old question about the performance of web server architectures - which is better, events vs threads. We have tried to extensively compare different implementations of web servers like the multi-process(MP), multi-threaded(MT), event-driven and hybrid architectures with modern workloads to get a better perspective of which design better suits modern workloads. This topic has been greatly debated over the years, however we find that no recent analysis has been done using modern workloads. We highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and come to the conclusion that neither approach is a one-stop-solution for all workloads. A hybrid approach is provably better than both individual approaches. This is because there are a vast variety of tunable parameters that each offer a different advantage. This then becomes an applicationspecific design decision. We hope that the results will help future server architects tune and customize hybrid servers of their own.