Connecting Embedded and Enterprise Systems Theta Maxino Our world is continuously becoming a digitized world -- more and more devices are being modified to incorporate the use of microprocessors, whether it be to improve performance, bring down cost, or add more functionality. These modified devices are typically called embedded systems. Examples of these are your microwave oven, cellphone, and car. Another trend we see nowadays is the interconnection of devices, mainly through the internet but also through private networks -- what we consider enterprise systems. We expect cellphones to be able to connect to the internet, most GM cars can be connected to OnStar, and though not common yet, internet-enabled microwave ovens are already available. Embedded and enterprise systems have very different characteristics. What happens when these two systems are connected? Are there particular vulnerabilities that occur just because of the inherent nature of these systems? This paper attempts to show that there are vulnerabilities and demonstrate two of these. One vulnerability is the susceptibility of the embedded system to data loss due to timing variations which are inherent in enterprise systems. Another vulnerability is the possibility of having event showers on the enterprise system due to a faulty sensor on an embedded system. Through the use of a testbed, this paper will demonstrate that when an embedded system expects periodic input from an enterprise system, slight timing variations in the enterprise system will cause the embedded system to retrieve incorrect information. On the other hand, enterprise systems which only expect occasional input from an embedded system may become overloaded or behave incorrectly when faulty sensors on embedded systems start sending data continuously.