Implementation and Evaluation of a High-speed Non-blocking Server Arthur Chang 18-845, Internet Services, Spring 2014 This paper presents an implementation and evaluation of the asymmetric multi-process event-driven (AMPED) web server architecture. The motivation for this paper was to gauge the performance of a high-speed non-blocking (HSNB) web server, like the Flash Web server, on modern systems. The AMPED architecture and the Flash Web server were originally presented in [4] as an alternative HSNB architecture to multi- threaded (MT), multi-process (MP), and single-process event driven (SPED) systems. In 1999, Flash purported SPED-like performance on cached workloads. Unlike SPED however, the use of concurrency by Flash’s AMPED architecture provides performance rivaling that of MT and MP systems on disk-bound workloads. In this paper, we present our re-evaluation of the AMPED architecture by implementing the Flash web server for modern systems. Where the original Flash spawned helper processes for I/O blocking operations, the implementation presented in this paper makes use of modern threading libraries, which readily provides kernel support. This is but one of several differences between the two studies. Like the original study, Flash remains competitive against other architectures like MT, MP, and SPED. However, our findings show that modern systems have advanced beyond many of the original concerns addressed by AMPED, at the time of its creation.