Running the Fault-Tolerant Baseline Application

The classes for the client and the server are located in the "classes" section of the team's webpage. The AFS cell of the team is /afs/ Please follow the following steps to run our applications.

Running Environment: J2SE SDK 1.4.1 (Please make sure that orbd and java are in your path.)

  1. Launch orbd
    orbd -ORBInitialHost localhost -ORBInitialPort 1500

  2. Go to the directory for the source file “src”.

  3. Run the unicommerce Replication Manager
    start java Replication.UniReplication -ORBInitialHost
    localhost -ORBInitialPort 1500

  4. Run the unicommerce client
    start java Client.UniClient -ORBInitialHost localhost -
    ORBInitialPort 1500

  5. When the GUI pops up, you may use the GUI to interact with the system. Please follow the test case document to walk through the system.