UseCaseID: Search for Flights
Goal In Context: A customer wishes to search for available flights between two cities for the chosen dates.
Scope: Airline Reservation System (ARS)
Pre-Condition: Actor has successfully navigated to the main options screen.
Success End Condition: A list of flight matching the search criteria is presented.
Failed End Condition: A list of flight matching the search criteria is NOT presented.
Primary Actor: Customer
Trigger Event: Selects the "Search Flights" option.
Main Success Scenario
Step Actor Action Description
1 Customer Selects the "Search Flights" option.
2 ARS Displays a screen with input fields for source airport, destination airport, : type of ticket (one way or round trip) and the departure and arrival date based on the choice of ticket type. Two-way ticket will force an arrival date to be entered.
3 Customer Enters the all information and clicks the "Search" button.
4 ARS Displays a listing of all flights that match the customers input from step 3, each item in the list has an associated price and a "Book This Flight" link.
Scenario Extensions
Step Actor Action Description
3.a Customer Selects the "Cancel" option.
3.a.1 ARS Displays the main options screen.
3.b Customer Does not complete all the necessary fields.
3.b.1 ARS Redisplays the input fields from step 2 with the input data and a note stating that certain required data is missing.
Scenario Variations
Step Actor Action Description