UseCaseID: Cancel Reservation
Goal In Context: A customer wishes to cancel a reservation.
Scope: Airline Reservation System (ARS)
Pre-Condition: A reservation has already been made.
Actor has successfully navigated to the main options screen.
Success End Condition: The selected reservation has been cancelled.
Failed End Condition: The selected reservation has NOT been cancelled.
Primary Actor: Customer
Trigger Event: Selects the "Cancel Reservation" option.
Main Success Scenario
Step Actor Action Description
1 Customer Selects the "Cancel Reservation" option.
2 ARS Displays a screen with an input field for a reservation number.
3 Customer Enters a reservation number and clicks the "Submit" button.
4 ARS Displays the details of the reservation.
5 Customer Selects the "Process Cancellation" option.
6 ARS Displays the main options screen. The message "Reservation Successfully Cancelled" is also displayed.
Scenario Extensions
Step Actor Action Description
2.a Customer Selects the "Cancel" option.
2.a.1 ARS Displays the main options screen.
3.a Customer Selects the "Cancel" option.
3.a.1 ARS Displays the main options screen.
5.a Customer Selects the "Abort" option.
5.a.1 ARS Displays the main options screen.
Scenario Variations
Step Actor Action Description