TEST NUMBER 5 Functionality: Fault Tolerance Use case: Stock Ticker server connection (reconnect to server) - server 1, 2, & 3 are up - stock ticker is started - server 1 is killed - stock ticker reconnects to server 1 Test distribution: http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~ece841/team1/fault_tolerance/build/release Test sequence: 1) setup as defined in the Setup, Installation & Run Instructions (SIRI) 2) install servers as defined in the SIRI 3) start replication manager as defined in the SIRI 4) wait for all of the servers to come up 5) start the stock ticker as defined in the SIRI 6) kill server 1 - go to the Replication Manager - select option 4 - a list will be displayed of the server names - enter the number next to "risk" to kill server 1 7) watch fail messages - messages will be displayes saying that it cannot connect to servers X (where X is the number of the server that has been killed) and will retry in 5 seconds 8) wait until server 1 is restarted by replication manager 9) watch the reconnect messages - Configuration/deployment issues: - assumes that the replication manager is working Known problems: