Test #: 01 Functionality: Baseline Use Case: 1: Client GUI starts and retrieves list of existing stocks. User enters a profile name to use. User selects stocks from the existing list. The client maintains up to date stock prices by retrieving the data from the server. Test Distribution: http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~ece841/team1/tests/test1 (will be here, not yet here) Test Sequence: 1: Configure JBoss according to standard Test Configuration (see seperate INSTALL.txt) 2: Start the Client a. Open a command window b. CD to the \pqclient directory c. From here, type ‘run-client' and press enter d. A GUI will appear and ask for a user name 1. If the user already has a profile with stocks it will be loaded 2. Otherwise a new, blank profile is created e. Available stocks are listed on the left of the client f. Select stocks and click the add button g. Stock information will apear in the table. Price updates will appear on occasion as they occur.