Motivation for Project:

Create Unique Experience
Provide Interactivity
Provide Metrics to Users

Our main goal for this project is to be able to create a unique, interactive musical and visual experience for people in cafes, restaurants, bars, and other places where you can sit and place a food or drink on a table. We want to achieve building an accurate yet relatively inexpensive system that will allow users to seamlessly control their ambiance with their food or beverage.

Our main motivation for this project arises from our individual passions to learn and apply image processing and be able to produce an interactive interface for people in cafes and restaurants. We primarily want to produce an entertainment system that harnesses our strengths in software development.


Concept of Table

The system consists of a hand-crafted glass table that acts as a singular interfacing environment to the users. Users have to place their drinks on this table using the custom coasters that we have created. Based on which coaster they use and where the coffee cup is placed on the table different musical and visual effects will be produced. The sounds are mapped to protruding shapes on the bottom of the coasters: square, circle, triangle, star.

This distance will be used to determine the volume of the corresponding instrument. To accompany the audio feedback, we aim to provide visual feedback as well. This will be performed by a projector that will be placed underneath the table.



Standard Wood Table
Infrared Camera
Multiplexed Speakers

Our core functionality includes a speaker and projector that respectively provide audio and visual feedback to complement the coffee consumption experience. The preliminary functionality of this service is to have people place their drinks on coasters on arbitrary parts of the table and have the system play different audio tracks based on different shapes that will be carved out on the bottom of the coaster. This system will be compatible to upto a maximum of four users per table.


Table Conponents


Use Case






Competitive Analysis

How does our product stack up next to the existing market shareholders


An interactive DJ Table where the user could add place and move different objects on it to create electronic music. The table is equipped with a screen that displayed visualizations of the tempo. Our project is similar to this in the way we detect objects on the table and output audio and video.

LED Interactive Table

These tables integrate infrared sensors under a translucent table to display visual effects. We use a similar method for object detect. However, we will instead use an infrared sensing camera and hook it up to a microprocessor. Video feedback will be provided via a projector rather than leds.

Milan Screen Table

Microsoft’s table that supports integration with devices such as phones and tablets sitting on it. Our target is much different from this competitor. We hope to add an extra dimension to the coffee table, thus allowing it to extend its usefulness in homes, shops, and public sitting areas.

Meet the Team

Our hearts are in the work.

Adhish Ramkumar

In charge of FTIR table construction and audiovisualizer

Anuj Patel

In charge multiplexed signal communication to speakers

Shilpa Murthy

In charge of interfacing with IR camera and visual processing

Shivam Naik

In charge of interfacing with projector and visual feedback