The Fourth Workshop on the Intersections of Computer Architecture and Reconfigurable Logic (CARL 2015)

Portland, Oregon - Sunday, June 14, 2015

Oregon Convention Center, Room D-132

Co-located with ISCA 2015


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CARL 2015, co-located with ISCA, will invite a representative spectrum of major industry players who are active in this space to talk about the design philosophy behind their systems. The goals is for computer architects to walk away with an appreciation for the current diverse and fast-changing state-of-the-art as well as many good ideas on how to engage in this growing space of opportunities. CARL 2015, co-located with ISCA, will invite a representative spectrum of major industry players who are active in this space to talk about the design philosophy behind their systems. The goals is for computer architects to walk away with an appreciation for the current diverse and fast-changing state-of-the-art as well as many good ideas on how to engage in this growing space of opportunities.
-====== Program ======+====== Program (Oregon Convention Center, Room D-132, June 14th)======
-It will be a full day program. It will be great. +  * 8:15~9:00: **Breakfast** (Hall A1-B) 
 +  * 9:00~9:05: **Welcome** 
 +  * 9:05~10:05: **[[PK Gupta (Intel), Xeon+FPGA Platform for the Data Center]]** ({{carl15-gupta.pdf |slides}}) 
 +  * 10:05~11:05: **[[Tony Brewer (Convey/Micron), Convey’s Acceleration of the Memcached and Imagemagick Applications]]** ({{carl15-brewer.pdf |slides}}) 
 +  * 11:05~11:30: Coffee Break 
 +  * 11:30~12:30: **[[Kubilay Atasu (IBM), Accelerating Text Analytics Queries on Reconfigurable Platforms]]** ({{carl15-atasu.pdf |slides}}) 
 +  * 12:30~1:30: Lunch 
 +  * 1:30~2:30: **[[Eric Chung (Microsoft), Accelerating Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Using Specialized Hardware in the Datacenter]]** ({{carl15_chung.pdf |slides}})
-We already have confirmed speakers from Convey, Intel, IBM and Microsoft to talk about their systems and applications.+At the conclusion of the CARL program at 2:30, we invite you to join the [[ |"FPGA vs GPU"]] debate at the [[ |CARD workshop (C-124)]].
-Please check back for updates. 
======Call for Papers====== ======Call for Papers======