The Fourth Workshop on the Intersections of Computer Architecture and Reconfigurable Logic (CARL 2015)

Portland, Oregon - Sunday, June 14, 2015

Oregon Convention Center, Room D-132

Co-located with ISCA 2015

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CARL 2015 Speaker: Eric S. Chung, Microsoft Research NExT

Accelerating Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Using Specialized Hardware in the Datacenter

Speaker Bio

Eric S. Chung is a Researcher in Microsoft Research NExT. His research focuses on the intersection of computer architecture and reconfigurable computing with FPGAs, and exploring disruptive uses of specialized hardware in high valued applications such as machine learning. He is a principal developer and contributor to the Catapult project at Microsoft, which uses a fabric of FPGAs to accelerate cloud services at scale in the datacenter. Eric received his PhD in electrical and computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and a BS in EECS from UC Berkeley.