====== CARL 2015 Speaker: Tony Brewer, Convey/Micron ====== ====Convey’s Acceleration of the Memcached and Imagemagick Applications==== This presentation will focus on the acceleration of the memcached and imagemagick applications. Convey was able to achieve an average of 48x speedup over a wide range of image sizes and resizing amounts for imagemagick, and roughly 5x throughput increase for memcached. Convey used the Hybrid Threading (HT) tool set for porting these applications to an FPGA accelerator, providing a highly productive development environment. The presentation will also discuss the future direction for the HT tool set given the recent acquisition of Convey by Micron Technology. ==== Speaker Bio ==== Tony Brewer received his Bachelors and Masters degrees at Purdue University in electrical and computer engineering. Tony has 30 years of experience architecting processors and systems at companies including Data General, Convex Computer, and Hewlett-Packard. More recently Tony was cofounder and Chief Technology Officer at Convey Computer where he provided technical direction for the company. Tony recently joined Micron Technology as part of the Convey acquisition by Micron.