Paper Submission

Submission Deadlines

  • The abstract must be submitted by Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at 11:59:59pm EST. No extensions will be given.
  • The final paper must be submitted by Tuesday, November 25, 2014 at 11:59:59pm EST. No extensions will be given.
  • You will have a chance to see your paper's reviews, and rebut them from February 10, 2015 through February 13, 2015.
  • Notice of acceptance will be on March 6, 2015.

Paper Evaluation

The committee will make every effort to judge each submitted paper on its own merits. There will be no target acceptance rate. We expect to accept a wide range of papers with appropriate expectations for evaluation. The conference values papers that significantly enhance the body of architecture knowledge, including those that build on significant past work with strong evaluations, as well as those that advance new areas with less rigorous evaluation.

Formatting Requirements

All submissions must conform to all requirements specified in the submission guidelines document:

Submission Guidelines

Submissions that violate these instructions may not be reviewed, at the discretion of the program chair, to ensure a review process that is fair to all potential authors. In addition to detailed formatting instructions, the submission guidelines document also provides requirements regarding authorship, citations, and declaring conflicts of interest.

If you are using LATEX to typeset your paper, then we strongly suggest that you use the template available at the location listed below:

Submission Template

The submission guidelines document above was prepared with this template. If you are using a different software package to typeset your paper, then you must adhere to the requirements described in the submission guidelines document.

Submission Site

The web-based submission site is available at: